# Clustering Approach 7 : MIRSEQ_CNMF Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 0.582229701714947 Range of duration = 0.03 to 182.73, nDeath = 14, nCensor = 80 2 AGE ANOVA 0.573519169016232 Range of values = 28 to 83, Mean = 59.6735, StdDev = 12.446, nMissing = 3 3 GENDER Fisher's exact test 0.178480338600664 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 32/69 4 KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE ANOVA 0.294757848942669 Range of values = 0 to 100, Mean = 87.619, StdDev = 23.8547, nMissing = 80 5 PATHOLOGY.T Chi-square test 0.137335606237475 nTypes = 3 (T1/T2/T3+T4), nPatients = 56/13/32 6 PATHOLOGY.N Chi-square test 0.266865537514689 nTypes = 3 (N0/N1/N2), nPatients = 20/11/4, nMissing = 66 7 PATHOLOGICSPREAD(M) Chi-square test 0.266414687696011 nTypes = 3 (M0/M1/MX), nPatients = 54/5/33, nMissing = 9 8 TUMOR.STAGE Chi-square test 0.0295901340823496 nTypes = 4 (I/II/III/IV), nPatients = 51/7/23/9, nMissing = 11