# Clustering Approach 6 : RPPA_CHIERARCHICAL Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 0.318097089978573 Range of duration = 0.07 to 188.98, nDeath = 44, nCensor = 336 2 AGE ANOVA 0.00120572135856237 Range of values = 26 to 89, Mean = 57.8529, StdDev = 13.1039 3 GENDER Fisher's exact test 0.154464113431867 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 403/5 4 RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION Fisher's exact test 0.917035798612356 nTypes = 2 (NO/YES), nPatients = 125/283 5 DISTANT.METASTASIS Chi-square test 0.665232407879063 nTypes = 4 (CM0 (I+)/M0/M1/MX), nPatients = 1/386/14/7 6 LYMPH.NODE.METASTASIS Chi-square test 0.19428968206317 nTypes = 14 (N0/N0 (I+)/N0 (I-)/N1/N1A/N1B/N1C/N1MI/N2/N2A/N3/N3A/N3C/NX), nPatients = 100/13/79/48/63/8/1/12/27/25/9/15/1/7 7 NUMBER.OF.LYMPH.NODES ANOVA 0.0552765154129704 Range of values = 0 to 27, Mean = 1.86061, StdDev = 3.52049, nMissing = 78 8 TUMOR.STAGECODE ANOVA NA Range of values = Inf to -Inf, Mean = NaN, StdDev = NA, nMissing = 408 9 NEOPLASM.DISEASESTAGE Chi-square test 0.0495552161726771 nTypes = 10 (STAGE I/STAGE IA/STAGE IB/STAGE IIA/STAGE IIB/STAGE IIIA/STAGE IIIB/STAGE IIIC/STAGE IV/STAGE X), nPatients = 30/31/4/137/94/62/13/15/14/8