# Clustering Approach 7 : MIRSEQ_CNMF Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 0.702549075782589 Range of duration = 0.07 to 210.94, nDeath = 123, nCensor = 196 2 AGE ANOVA 0.838225480715748 Range of values = 19 to 90, Mean = 61.1988, StdDev = 12.0781, nMissing = 1 3 GENDER Fisher's exact test 0.199509824862726 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 92/231 4 PATHOLOGY.T Chi-square test 0.288830522264746 nTypes = 4 (T1/T2/T3/T4), nPatients = 28/81/65/106, nMissing = 43 5 PATHOLOGY.N Chi-square test 0.172211597046204 nTypes = 4 (N0/N1/N2/N3), nPatients = 104/36/103/5, nMissing = 75 6 PATHOLOGICSPREAD(M) Fisher's exact test 0.422462902300803 nTypes = 2 (M0/MX), nPatients = 57/6, nMissing = 260 7 TUMOR.STAGE Chi-square test 0.621158473565385 nTypes = 4 (I/II/III/IV), nPatients = 20/49/44/162, nMissing = 48 8 RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION Fisher's exact test 0.535633639095237 nTypes = 2 (NO/YES), nPatients = 77/246 9 NUMBERPACKYEARSSMOKED ANOVA 0.49434472872914 Range of values = 0.01685 to 300, Mean = 50.6445, StdDev = 41.1318, nMissing = 146 10 STOPPEDSMOKINGYEAR ANOVA 0.305634474805304 Range of values = 1955 to 2011, Mean = 1994.28, StdDev = 13.8434, nMissing = 198 11 TOBACCOSMOKINGHISTORYINDICATOR Chi-square test 0.277678160038934 nTypes = 4 (CURRENT REFORMED SMOKER FOR < OR = 15 YEARS/CURRENT REFORMED SMOKER FOR > 15 YEARS/CURRENT SMOKER/LIFELONG NON-SMOKER), nPatients = 84/58/104/66, nMissing = 11 12 YEAROFTOBACCOSMOKINGONSET ANOVA 0.765531872978224 Range of values = 1928 to 2001, Mean = 1964.88, StdDev = 12.2981, nMissing = 139