# Clustering Approach 2 : 1q gain mutation analysis Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 0.960042801437832 Range of duration = 0.07 to 111.02, nDeath = 158, nCensor = 332 2 AGE t-test 0.185481125491903 Range of values = 26 to 90, Mean = 60.5589, StdDev = 12.1997, nMissing = 1 3 GENDER Fisher's exact test 0.564856103592918 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 171/322 4 KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE t-test 0.115011838271077 Range of values = 0 to 100, Mean = 88.3333, StdDev = 22.9907, nMissing = 457 5 PATHOLOGY.T Chi-square test 0.0393293410425675 nTypes = 4 (T1/T2/T3/T4), nPatients = 242/64/176/11 6 PATHOLOGY.N Fisher's exact test 0.330175898462993 nTypes = 2 (0/1), nPatients = 228/18, nMissing = 247 7 PATHOLOGICSPREAD(M) Fisher's exact test 0.802604407928108 nTypes = 2 (M0/M1), nPatients = 417/76 8 TUMOR.STAGE Chi-square test 0.0519496032305246 nTypes = 4 (I/II/III/IV), nPatients = 238/52/123/80