# Clustering Approach 7 : MRNASEQ_CNMF Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 100 Range of duration = 0.2 to 121.08, nDeath = 2, nCensor = 47 2 AGE ANOVA 0.154849752154976 Range of values = 33 to 90, Mean = 63.3333, StdDev = 11.9711 3 GENDER Chi-square test 0.107351685854924 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 23/28 4 HISTOLOGICAL.TYPE Chi-square test 0.33448553106558 nTypes = 2 (RECTAL ADENOCARCINOMA/RECTAL MUCINOUS ADENOCARCINOMA), nPatients = 47/2, nMissing = 2 5 PATHOLOGY.T Chi-square test 0.505597772564466 nTypes = 4 (T1/T2/T3/T4), nPatients = 3/10/31/7 6 PATHOLOGY.N Chi-square test 0.87404267634022 nTypes = 3 (N0/N1/N2), nPatients = 26/10/13, nMissing = 2 7 PATHOLOGICSPREAD(M) Chi-square test 0.442001914855694 nTypes = 4 (M0/M1/M1A/MX), nPatients = 37/4/1/9 8 TUMOR.STAGE Chi-square test 0.493722757362923 nTypes = 4 (I/II/III/IV), nPatients = 11/14/16/7, nMissing = 3 9 RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION Chi-square test 0.590797277300108 nTypes = 2 (NO/YES), nPatients = 3/48 10 COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION Chi-square test 0.221456601445082 nTypes = 3 (R0/R1/RX), nPatients = 35/1/3, nMissing = 12 11 NUMBER.OF.LYMPH.NODES ANOVA 0.540633588204081 Range of values = 0 to 30, Mean = 3.33333, StdDev = 5.96603, nMissing = 9