Correlation between molecular cancer subtypes and selected clinical features
Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (Primary solid tumor)
21 April 2013  |  analyses__2013_04_21
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Maintained by TCGA GDAC Team (Broad Institute/MD Anderson Cancer Center/Harvard Medical School)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2013): Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma (Primary solid tumor cohort) - 21 April 2013: Correlation between molecular cancer subtypes and selected clinical features. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C1VX0DHT

This pipeline computes the correlation between cancer subtypes identified by different molecular patterns and selected clinical features.


Testing the association between subtypes identified by 12 different clustering approaches and 7 clinical features across 578 patients, 3 significant findings detected with P value < 0.05 and Q value < 0.25.

  • CNMF clustering analysis on array-based mRNA expression data identified 3 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • Consensus hierarchical clustering analysis on array-based mRNA expression data identified 3 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • CNMF clustering analysis on array-based miR expression data identified 3 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • Consensus hierarchical clustering analysis on array-based miR expression data identified 6 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • 3 subtypes identified in current cancer cohort by 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes'. These subtypes correlate to 'AGE'.

  • 3 subtypes identified in current cancer cohort by 'METHLYATION CNMF'. These subtypes correlate to 'AGE'.

  • CNMF clustering analysis on RPPA data identified 3 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • Consensus hierarchical clustering analysis on RPPA data identified 4 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • CNMF clustering analysis on sequencing-based mRNA expression data identified 3 subtypes that correlate to 'AGE'.

  • Consensus hierarchical clustering analysis on sequencing-based mRNA expression data identified 3 subtypes that do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • 3 subtypes identified in current cancer cohort by 'MIRSEQ CNMF'. These subtypes do not correlate to any clinical features.

  • 3 subtypes identified in current cancer cohort by 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL'. These subtypes do not correlate to any clinical features.

Overview of the results

Table 1.  Get Full Table Overview of the association between subtypes identified by 12 different clustering approaches and 7 clinical features. Shown in the table are P values (Q values). Thresholded by P value < 0.05 and Q value < 0.25, 3 significant findings detected.

Statistical Tests logrank test ANOVA Chi-square test ANOVA Chi-square test Fisher's exact test Fisher's exact test
mRNA CNMF subtypes 0.0275
mRNA cHierClus subtypes 0.802
miR CNMF subtypes 0.0543
miR cHierClus subtypes 0.607
Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes 0.284
RPPA CNMF subtypes 0.0637
RPPA cHierClus subtypes 0.163
RNAseq CNMF subtypes 0.417
RNAseq cHierClus subtypes 0.438
Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes'

Table S1.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 219 211 132
'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.0275 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S2.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 557 290 0.3 - 180.2 (28.3)
subtype1 216 125 0.3 - 152.0 (29.6)
subtype2 209 90 0.4 - 180.2 (27.0)
subtype3 132 75 0.3 - 119.1 (26.7)

Figure S1.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.0107 (ANOVA), Q value = 0.83

Table S3.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 551 59.7 (11.6)
subtype1 213 61.4 (11.5)
subtype2 207 58.0 (11.4)
subtype3 131 59.7 (11.8)

Figure S2.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'


P value = 0.568 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S4.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 558 2
subtype1 0 219 0
subtype2 1 209 1
subtype3 1 130 1

Figure S3.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'


P value = 0.151 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S5.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 78 75.6 (12.8)
subtype1 30 78.0 (13.2)
subtype2 28 76.4 (12.2)
subtype3 20 71.0 (12.1)

Figure S4.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.0364 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S6.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 16 26 431 85
subtype1 7 9 173 28
subtype2 9 15 153 33
subtype3 0 2 105 24

Figure S5.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.793 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S7.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 559
subtype1 2 217
subtype2 1 210
subtype3 0 132

Figure S6.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.144 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S8.  Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 14 28
subtype1 6 9
subtype2 7 9
subtype3 1 10

Figure S7.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #1: 'mRNA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes'

Table S9.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 233 202 127
'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.802 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S10.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 557 290 0.3 - 180.2 (28.3)
subtype1 232 111 0.3 - 119.1 (24.2)
subtype2 199 113 0.3 - 152.0 (30.0)
subtype3 126 66 0.3 - 180.2 (31.5)

Figure S8.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.00529 (ANOVA), Q value = 0.42

Table S11.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 551 59.7 (11.6)
subtype1 231 58.5 (11.6)
subtype2 195 61.9 (11.8)
subtype3 125 58.7 (11.0)

Figure S9.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 0.224 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S12.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 558 2
subtype1 2 229 2
subtype2 0 202 0
subtype3 0 127 0

Figure S10.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

P value = 0.172 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S13.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 78 75.6 (12.8)
subtype1 29 73.1 (12.3)
subtype2 20 80.0 (14.5)
subtype3 29 75.2 (11.5)

Figure S11.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.266 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S14.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 16 26 431 85
subtype1 4 13 179 36
subtype2 7 9 160 23
subtype3 5 4 92 26

Figure S12.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.611 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S15.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 559
subtype1 1 232
subtype2 2 200
subtype3 0 127

Figure S13.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

P value = 0.211 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S16.  Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 14 28
subtype1 5 18
subtype2 7 7
subtype3 2 3

Figure S14.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #2: 'mRNA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes'

Table S17.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 157 165 238
'miR CNMF subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.0543 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S18.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 555 290 0.3 - 180.2 (28.2)
subtype1 156 86 0.3 - 130.0 (26.4)
subtype2 162 91 0.3 - 115.9 (24.7)
subtype3 237 113 0.3 - 180.2 (30.1)

Figure S15.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'miR CNMF subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.622 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S19.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 549 59.7 (11.6)
subtype1 153 59.3 (12.5)
subtype2 162 59.3 (11.6)
subtype3 234 60.3 (11.1)

Figure S16.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'miR CNMF subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 0.198 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S20.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 556 2
subtype1 0 155 2
subtype2 1 164 0
subtype3 1 237 0

Figure S17.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'


P value = 0.737 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S21.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 78 75.6 (12.8)
subtype1 24 76.7 (12.7)
subtype2 23 73.9 (15.3)
subtype3 31 76.1 (10.9)

Figure S18.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'miR CNMF subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.126 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S22.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 16 25 430 85
subtype1 3 6 114 32
subtype2 7 5 135 17
subtype3 6 14 181 36

Figure S19.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.266 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S23.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 557
subtype1 0 157
subtype2 0 165
subtype3 3 235

Figure S20.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.197 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S24.  Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 14 28
subtype1 4 12
subtype2 3 10
subtype3 7 6

Figure S21.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #3: 'miR CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes'

Table S25.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of samples 66 120 122 102 56 94
'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.607 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S26.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 555 290 0.3 - 180.2 (28.2)
subtype1 65 31 0.8 - 115.9 (26.9)
subtype2 119 65 1.0 - 180.2 (28.7)
subtype3 122 65 0.3 - 130.0 (25.5)
subtype4 102 46 0.3 - 125.7 (29.6)
subtype5 54 31 1.8 - 106.0 (22.4)
subtype6 93 52 0.5 - 152.0 (30.4)

Figure S22.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.00948 (ANOVA), Q value = 0.74

Table S27.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 549 59.7 (11.6)
subtype1 66 56.5 (11.2)
subtype2 119 57.9 (11.2)
subtype3 118 59.9 (12.3)
subtype4 100 60.1 (10.8)
subtype5 56 62.2 (13.2)
subtype6 90 62.2 (10.6)

Figure S23.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 0.837 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S28.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 556 2
subtype1 0 66 0
subtype2 1 118 1
subtype3 0 121 1
subtype4 1 101 0
subtype5 0 56 0
subtype6 0 94 0

Figure S24.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

P value = 0.0822 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S29.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 78 75.6 (12.8)
subtype1 9 75.6 (13.3)
subtype2 19 75.8 (12.6)
subtype3 17 76.5 (14.6)
subtype4 17 76.5 (10.6)
subtype5 5 88.0 (11.0)
subtype6 11 67.3 (10.1)

Figure S25.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.00314 (Chi-square test), Q value = 0.25

Table S30.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 16 25 430 85
subtype1 5 1 48 12
subtype2 0 0 98 21
subtype3 2 7 91 21
subtype4 5 7 73 17
subtype5 1 3 40 11
subtype6 3 7 80 3

Figure S26.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.525 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S31.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 557
subtype1 0 66
subtype2 0 120
subtype3 0 122
subtype4 1 101
subtype5 1 55
subtype6 1 93

Figure S27.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

P value = 0.192 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S32.  Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 14 28
subtype1 1 2
subtype2 1 9
subtype3 4 10
subtype4 4 5
subtype5 0 0
subtype6 4 2

Figure S28.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #4: 'miR cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes'

Table S33.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 165 199 198
'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.284 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S34.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 546 283 0.3 - 180.2 (28.3)
subtype1 159 89 0.8 - 119.1 (29.5)
subtype2 195 92 0.3 - 130.0 (30.2)
subtype3 192 102 0.3 - 180.2 (22.3)

Figure S29.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 2.14e-09 (ANOVA), Q value = 1.8e-07

Table S35.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 541 59.8 (11.6)
subtype1 157 59.8 (12.4)
subtype2 196 56.2 (10.9)
subtype3 188 63.5 (10.5)

Figure S30.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 0.307 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S36.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 548 2
subtype1 1 160 0
subtype2 1 196 0
subtype3 0 192 2

Figure S31.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

P value = 0.731 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S37.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 76 75.5 (12.9)
subtype1 21 75.2 (12.5)
subtype2 28 74.3 (12.0)
subtype3 27 77.0 (14.4)

Figure S32.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.339 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S38.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 16 26 423 82
subtype1 7 7 120 26
subtype2 4 10 147 36
subtype3 5 9 156 20

Figure S33.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.404 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S39.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 559
subtype1 1 164
subtype2 0 199
subtype3 2 196

Figure S34.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

P value = 0.21 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S40.  Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 14 27
subtype1 2 10
subtype2 3 7
subtype3 9 10

Figure S35.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #5: 'Copy Number Ratio CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF'

Table S41.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 174 181 219
'METHLYATION CNMF' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.198 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S42.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 557 291 0.3 - 180.2 (28.3)
subtype1 168 100 0.3 - 152.0 (26.9)
subtype2 173 86 0.8 - 180.2 (28.6)
subtype3 216 105 0.3 - 130.0 (28.7)

Figure S36.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'


P value = 3.66e-10 (ANOVA), Q value = 3e-08

Table S43.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 553 59.8 (11.6)
subtype1 167 64.6 (10.6)
subtype2 171 57.6 (12.0)
subtype3 215 57.8 (10.9)

Figure S37.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'


P value = 0.387 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S44.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 560 2
subtype1 0 169 1
subtype2 0 176 0
subtype3 2 215 1

Figure S38.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'


P value = 0.637 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S45.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 78 75.6 (12.8)
subtype1 23 74.8 (13.8)
subtype2 20 74.0 (13.1)
subtype3 35 77.1 (12.0)

Figure S39.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'


P value = 0.29 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S46.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 16 26 430 86
subtype1 4 7 135 21
subtype2 3 5 134 32
subtype3 9 14 161 33

Figure S40.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 1 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S47.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 571
subtype1 1 173
subtype2 1 180
subtype3 1 218

Figure S41.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.387 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S48.  Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 14 27
subtype1 4 8
subtype2 4 13
subtype3 6 6

Figure S42.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #6: 'METHLYATION CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes'

Table S49.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 123 199 85
'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.0637 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S50.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 400 209 0.3 - 180.2 (28.6)
subtype1 120 66 0.4 - 125.7 (31.1)
subtype2 196 91 0.3 - 180.2 (24.0)
subtype3 84 52 0.5 - 89.3 (27.2)

Figure S43.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.705 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S51.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 400 59.7 (11.8)
subtype1 121 60.0 (12.3)
subtype2 196 59.2 (11.7)
subtype3 83 60.4 (11.4)

Figure S44.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'


P value = 0.718 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S52.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 403 2
subtype1 1 122 0
subtype2 1 197 1
subtype3 0 84 1

Figure S45.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'


P value = 0.54 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S53.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 51 74.9 (11.9)
subtype1 21 76.2 (10.2)
subtype2 24 75.0 (12.2)
subtype3 6 70.0 (16.7)

Figure S46.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.294 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S54.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 14 19 317 52
subtype1 4 7 93 18
subtype2 9 11 156 20
subtype3 1 1 68 14

Figure S47.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.134 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S55.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 2 405
subtype1 2 121
subtype2 0 199
subtype3 0 85

Figure S48.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.212 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S56.  Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 13 29
subtype1 2 10
subtype2 8 9
subtype3 3 10

Figure S49.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #7: 'RPPA CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes'

Table S57.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3 4
Number of samples 60 86 109 152
'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.163 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S58.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 400 209 0.3 - 180.2 (28.6)
subtype1 60 35 0.8 - 180.2 (34.8)
subtype2 83 40 0.3 - 115.9 (28.3)
subtype3 107 46 0.4 - 152.0 (25.9)
subtype4 150 88 0.4 - 125.7 (27.2)

Figure S50.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.0174 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S59.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 400 59.7 (11.8)
subtype1 59 62.5 (11.0)
subtype2 85 57.3 (11.5)
subtype3 107 58.2 (11.6)
subtype4 149 61.0 (12.1)

Figure S51.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 0.684 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S60.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 403 2
subtype1 1 59 0
subtype2 0 86 0
subtype3 0 108 1
subtype4 1 150 1

Figure S52.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

P value = 0.851 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S61.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 51 74.9 (11.9)
subtype1 8 75.0 (17.7)
subtype2 3 80.0 (0.0)
subtype3 25 75.2 (11.9)
subtype4 15 73.3 (9.8)

Figure S53.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.479 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S62.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients I II III IV
ALL 14 19 317 52
subtype1 2 4 46 8
subtype2 6 3 67 8
subtype3 3 7 86 12
subtype4 3 5 118 24

Figure S54.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 1 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S63.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 2 405
subtype1 0 60
subtype2 0 86
subtype3 1 108
subtype4 1 151

Figure S55.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

P value = 0.131 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S64.  Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 13 29
subtype1 3 4
subtype2 4 2
subtype3 3 9
subtype4 3 14

Figure S56.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #8: 'RPPA cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes'

Table S65.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 102 67 92
'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.417 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S66.  Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 259 147 0.3 - 180.2 (28.2)
subtype1 102 55 0.4 - 180.2 (28.5)
subtype2 66 36 1.0 - 106.0 (34.6)
subtype3 91 56 0.3 - 152.0 (25.0)

Figure S57.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.00127 (ANOVA), Q value = 0.1

Table S67.  Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 254 59.0 (10.8)
subtype1 99 59.2 (10.3)
subtype2 66 55.2 (10.6)
subtype3 89 61.5 (10.8)

Figure S58.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 1 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S68.  Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 1 260
subtype1 1 101
subtype2 0 67
subtype3 0 92

Figure S59.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.527 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S69.  Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients II III IV
ALL 18 209 33
subtype1 7 81 14
subtype2 6 50 11
subtype3 5 78 8

Figure S60.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 1 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S70.  Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 2 259
subtype1 1 101
subtype2 0 67
subtype3 1 91

Figure S61.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.333 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S71.  Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 2 5
subtype1 0 2
subtype2 1 0
subtype3 1 3

Figure S62.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #9: 'RNAseq CNMF subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes'

Table S72.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 111 111 39
'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.438 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S73.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 259 147 0.3 - 180.2 (28.2)
subtype1 110 69 0.4 - 152.0 (28.8)
subtype2 110 58 0.4 - 180.2 (28.0)
subtype3 39 20 0.3 - 116.1 (26.9)

Figure S63.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.166 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S74.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 254 59.0 (10.8)
subtype1 108 59.7 (11.0)
subtype2 109 59.3 (10.6)
subtype3 37 55.9 (10.7)

Figure S64.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

P value = 1 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S75.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 1 260
subtype1 0 111
subtype2 1 110
subtype3 0 39

Figure S65.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

P value = 0.104 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S76.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 14 74.3 (12.2)
subtype1 3 80.0 (0.0)
subtype2 10 72.0 (14.0)
subtype3 1 80.0 (NA)

Figure S66.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus 'TUMOR.STAGE'

P value = 0.162 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S77.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients II III IV
ALL 18 209 33
subtype1 8 92 10
subtype2 6 91 14
subtype3 4 26 9

Figure S67.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.637 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S78.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 2 259
subtype1 2 109
subtype2 0 111
subtype3 0 39

Figure S68.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

P value = 0.0476 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S79.  Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 2 5
subtype1 2 0
subtype2 0 5
subtype3 0 0

Figure S69.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #10: 'RNAseq cHierClus subtypes' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF'

Table S80.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 124 185 144
'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.301 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S81.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 450 252 0.3 - 180.2 (30.1)
subtype1 124 78 0.3 - 152.0 (28.6)
subtype2 184 98 0.3 - 180.2 (32.0)
subtype3 142 76 0.3 - 130.0 (28.7)

Figure S70.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus 'AGE'

P value = 0.535 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S82.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 445 59.8 (11.5)
subtype1 123 60.7 (11.7)
subtype2 182 59.4 (11.3)
subtype3 140 59.4 (11.6)

Figure S71.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'


P value = 0.0911 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S83.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 450 1
subtype1 2 121 1
subtype2 0 185 0
subtype3 0 144 0

Figure S72.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'


P value = 0.19 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S84.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 64 75.3 (13.2)
subtype1 11 81.8 (14.0)
subtype2 45 74.2 (12.5)
subtype3 8 72.5 (14.9)

Figure S73.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'


P value = 0.412 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S85.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients II III IV
ALL 24 351 74
subtype1 5 98 20
subtype2 8 140 35
subtype3 11 113 19

Figure S74.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.489 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S86.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 450
subtype1 0 124
subtype2 1 184
subtype3 2 142

Figure S75.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.0357 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S87.  Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 2 6
subtype1 0 3
subtype2 0 3
subtype3 2 0

Figure S76.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #11: 'MIRSEQ CNMF' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL'

Table S88.  Get Full Table Description of clustering approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL'

Cluster Labels 1 2 3
Number of samples 5 287 161
'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus 'Time to Death'

P value = 0.639 (logrank test), Q value = 1

Table S89.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'

nPatients nDeath Duration Range (Median), Month
ALL 450 252 0.3 - 180.2 (30.1)
subtype1 5 2 4.3 - 68.9 (45.6)
subtype2 286 163 0.3 - 180.2 (30.8)
subtype3 159 87 0.3 - 130.0 (28.7)

Figure S77.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #1: 'Time to Death'


P value = 0.676 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S90.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 445 59.8 (11.5)
subtype1 5 60.6 (9.2)
subtype2 283 60.1 (11.5)
subtype3 157 59.1 (11.6)

Figure S78.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #2: 'AGE'


P value = 0.782 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S91.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'

ALL 2 450 1
subtype1 0 5 0
subtype2 2 284 1
subtype3 0 161 0

Figure S79.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #3: 'PRIMARY.SITE.OF.DISEASE'


P value = 0.901 (ANOVA), Q value = 1

Table S92.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'

nPatients Mean (Std.Dev)
ALL 64 75.3 (13.2)
subtype1 1 100.0 (NA)
subtype2 54 74.8 (12.4)
subtype3 9 75.6 (16.7)

Figure S80.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #4: 'KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE'


P value = 0.395 (Chi-square test), Q value = 1

Table S93.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'

nPatients II III IV
ALL 24 351 74
subtype1 0 4 1
subtype2 12 220 52
subtype3 12 127 21

Figure S81.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #5: 'TUMOR.STAGE'


P value = 0.317 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S94.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'

nPatients NO YES
ALL 3 450
subtype1 0 5
subtype2 1 286
subtype3 2 159

Figure S82.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #6: 'RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION'


P value = 0.0357 (Fisher's exact test), Q value = 1

Table S95.  Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

nPatients R0 R1
ALL 2 6
subtype1 0 0
subtype2 0 6
subtype3 2 0

Figure S83.  Get High-res Image Clustering Approach #12: 'MIRSEQ CHIERARCHICAL' versus Clinical Feature #7: 'COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION'

Methods & Data
  • Cluster data file = OV-TP.mergedcluster.txt

  • Clinical data file = OV-TP.clin.merged.picked.txt

  • Number of patients = 578

  • Number of clustering approaches = 12

  • Number of selected clinical features = 7

  • Exclude small clusters that include fewer than K patients, K = 3

Clustering approaches
CNMF clustering

consensus non-negative matrix factorization clustering approach (Brunet et al. 2004)

Consensus hierarchical clustering

Resampling-based clustering method (Monti et al. 2003)

Survival analysis

For survival clinical features, the Kaplan-Meier survival curves of tumors with and without gene mutations were plotted and the statistical significance P values were estimated by logrank test (Bland and Altman 2004) using the 'survdiff' function in R

ANOVA analysis

For continuous numerical clinical features, one-way analysis of variance (Howell 2002) was applied to compare the clinical values between tumor subtypes using 'anova' function in R

Chi-square test

For multi-class clinical features (nominal or ordinal), Chi-square tests (Greenwood and Nikulin 1996) were used to estimate the P values using the 'chisq.test' function in R

Fisher's exact test

For binary clinical features, two-tailed Fisher's exact tests (Fisher 1922) were used to estimate the P values using the 'fisher.test' function in R

Q value calculation

For multiple hypothesis correction, Q value is the False Discovery Rate (FDR) analogue of the P value (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995), defined as the minimum FDR at which the test may be called significant. We used the 'Benjamini and Hochberg' method of 'p.adjust' function in R to convert P values into Q values.

Download Results

This is an experimental feature. The full results of the analysis summarized in this report can be downloaded from the TCGA Data Coordination Center.

[1] Brunet et al., Metagenes and molecular pattern discovery using matrix factorization, PNAS 101(12):4164-9 (2004)
[3] Bland and Altman, Statistics notes: The logrank test, BMJ 328(7447):1073 (2004)
[4] Howell, D, Statistical Methods for Psychology. (5th ed.), Duxbury Press:324-5 (2002)
[5] Greenwood and Nikulin, A guide to chi-squared testing, Wiley, New York. ISBN 047155779X (1996)
[6] Fisher, R.A., On the interpretation of chi-square from contingency tables, and the calculation of P, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 85(1):87-94 (1922)
[7] Benjamini and Hochberg, Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 59:289-300 (1995)