# Clustering Approach 9 : MIRSEQ_CNMF Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 0.22936648735151 Range of duration = 0.07 to 135.52, nDeath = 49, nCensor = 262 2 AGE ANOVA 0.000748248517667052 Range of values = 31 to 90, Mean = 67.2931, StdDev = 13.0898, nMissing = 1 3 GENDER Fisher's exact test 0.473433108063813 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 191/216 4 HISTOLOGICAL.TYPE Fisher's exact test 0.0162021625666191 nTypes = 2 (COLON ADENOCARCINOMA/COLON MUCINOUS ADENOCARCINOMA), nPatients = 350/55, nMissing = 2 5 RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION Fisher's exact test 0.543859219721236 nTypes = 2 (NO/YES), nPatients = 3/404 6 DISTANT.METASTASIS Chi-square test 1.1675783368058e-05 nTypes = 5 (M0/M1/M1A/M1B/MX), nPatients = 306/50/7/1/36, nMissing = 7 7 LYMPH.NODE.METASTASIS Chi-square test 0.00098639295000873 nTypes = 9 (N0/N1/N1A/N1B/N1C/N2/N2A/N2B/NX), nPatients = 240/68/13/12/2/57/4/9/1, nMissing = 1 8 COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION Chi-square test 3.43771927887852e-05 nTypes = 4 (R0/R1/R2/RX), nPatients = 281/3/25/22, nMissing = 76 9 NUMBER.OF.LYMPH.NODES ANOVA 0.729662902938192 Range of values = 0 to 50, Mean = 2.04439, StdDev = 4.50951, nMissing = 24 10 TUMOR.STAGECODE ANOVA NA Range of values = Inf to -Inf, Mean = NaN, StdDev = NA, nMissing = 407 11 NEOPLASM.DISEASESTAGE Chi-square test 0.381410147117023 nTypes = 13 (STAGE I/STAGE IA/STAGE II/STAGE IIA/STAGE IIB/STAGE IIC/STAGE III/STAGE IIIA/STAGE IIIB/STAGE IIIC/STAGE IV/STAGE IVA/STAGE IVB), nPatients = 66/1/33/114/8/1/22/12/47/32/41/16/1, nMissing = 13