# Clustering Approach 12 : MIRSEQ_MATURE_CHIERARCHICAL Index Clinical feature name Test type P value Comment 1 Time to Death logrank test 0.418358217006357 Range of duration = 0.03 to 106.95, nDeath = 58, nCensor = 109 2 AGE ANOVA 0.558378739119187 Range of values = 41 to 85, Mean = 68.1561, StdDev = 8.65044, nMissing = 5 3 GENDER Fisher's exact test 0.412022086637297 nTypes = 2 (FEMALE/MALE), nPatients = 38/140 4 KARNOFSKY.PERFORMANCE.SCORE ANOVA 0.150052886846061 Range of values = 0 to 100, Mean = 32.5, StdDev = 41.0623, nMissing = 150 5 HISTOLOGICAL.TYPE Chi-square test 0.4972916721418 nTypes = 4 (LUNG BASALOID SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA/LUNG PAPILLARY SQUAMOUS CELL CARICNOMA/LUNG SMALL CELL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA/LUNG SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA- NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED (NOS)), nPatients = 2/1/1/174 6 RADIATIONS.RADIATION.REGIMENINDICATION Fisher's exact test 0.151207829341326 nTypes = 2 (NO/YES), nPatients = 9/169 7 NUMBERPACKYEARSSMOKED ANOVA 0.763423791456606 Range of values = 2 to 180, Mean = 50.8367, StdDev = 28.6833, nMissing = 30 8 YEAROFTOBACCOSMOKINGONSET ANOVA 0.116786208036659 Range of values = 1936 to 1996, Mean = 1959.79, StdDev = 12.0603, nMissing = 54 9 DISTANT.METASTASIS Fisher's exact test 0.15491150101566 nTypes = 2 (M0/MX), nPatients = 137/39, nMissing = 2 10 LYMPH.NODE.METASTASIS Chi-square test 0.282038000589866 nTypes = 4 (N0/N1/N2/NX), nPatients = 112/49/15/2 11 COMPLETENESS.OF.RESECTION Chi-square test 0.0595358172891899 nTypes = 4 (R0/R1/R2/RX), nPatients = 122/3/2/12, nMissing = 39 12 TUMOR.STAGECODE ANOVA NA Range of values = Inf to -Inf, Mean = NaN, StdDev = NA, nMissing = 178 13 NEOPLASM.DISEASESTAGE Chi-square test 0.352178171908214 nTypes = 8 (STAGE I/STAGE IA/STAGE IB/STAGE II/STAGE IIA/STAGE IIB/STAGE IIIA/STAGE IIIB), nPatients = 1/34/53/1/25/32/24/5, nMissing = 3