Mutation Analysis (MutSig v2.0 and MutSigCV v0.9 merged result)
Glioblastoma Multiforme (Primary solid tumor)
16 April 2014  |  analyses__2014_04_16
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Citation Information
Maintained by Dan DiCara (Broad Institute)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2014): Mutation Analysis (MutSig v2.0 and MutSigCV v0.9 merged result). Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C1639NC5

This report serves to describe the mutational landscape and properties of a given individual set, as well as rank genes and genesets according to mutational significance. MutSig v2.0 and MutSigCV v0.9 merged result was used to generate the results found in this report.

  • Working with individual set: GBM-TP

  • Number of patients in set: 283


The input for this pipeline is a set of individuals with the following files associated for each:

  1. An annotated .maf file describing the mutations called for the respective individual, and their properties.

  2. A .wig file that contains information about the coverage of the sample.

  • MAF used for this analysis:GBM-TP.final_analysis_set.maf

  • Blacklist used for this analysis: pancan_mutation_blacklist.v14.hg19.txt

  • Significantly mutated genes (q ≤ 0.1): 10

  • Mutations seen in COSMIC: 459

  • Significantly mutated genes in COSMIC territory: 71

  • Significantly mutated genesets: 120

Mutation Preprocessing
  • Read 283 MAFs of type "Broad"

  • Total number of mutations in input MAFs: 21510

  • After removing 892 blacklisted mutations: 20618

Mutation Filtering
  • Number of mutations before filtering: 20618

  • After removing 325 mutations outside gene set: 20293

  • After removing 12 mutations outside category set: 20281

Breakdown of Mutations by Type

Table 1.  Get Full Table Table representing breakdown of mutations by type.

type count
Frame_Shift_Del 464
Frame_Shift_Ins 150
In_Frame_Del 136
In_Frame_Ins 20
Missense_Mutation 13193
Nonsense_Mutation 803
Nonstop_Mutation 10
Silent 5124
Splice_Site 329
Translation_Start_Site 52
Total 20281
Breakdown of Mutation Rates by Category Type

Table 2.  Get Full Table A breakdown of mutation rates per category discovered for this individual set.

category n N rate rate_per_mb relative_rate exp_ns_s_ratio
*CpG->T 5433 471456280 0.000012 12 6.4 2.1
*Cp(A/C/T)->T 2364 3846173156 6.1e-07 0.61 0.34 1.7
A->G 1639 4141354039 4e-07 0.4 0.22 2.3
transver 3808 8458983475 4.5e-07 0.45 0.25 5
indel+null 1901 8458983475 2.2e-07 0.22 0.13 NaN
double_null 12 8458983475 1.4e-09 0.0014 0.00079 NaN
Total 15157 8458983475 1.8e-06 1.8 1 3.5
Target Coverage for Each Individual

The x axis represents the samples. The y axis represents the exons, one row per exon, and they are sorted by average coverage across samples. For exons with exactly the same average coverage, they are sorted next by the %GC of the exon. (The secondary sort is especially useful for the zero-coverage exons at the bottom). If the figure is unpopulated, then full coverage is assumed (e.g. MutSig CV doesn't use WIGs and assumes full coverage).

Figure 1. 

Distribution of Mutation Counts, Coverage, and Mutation Rates Across Samples

Figure 2.  Patients counts and rates file used to generate this plot: GBM-TP.patients.counts_and_rates.txt

Lego Plots

The mutation spectrum is depicted in the lego plots below in which the 96 possible mutation types are subdivided into six large blocks, color-coded to reflect the base substitution type. Each large block is further subdivided into the 16 possible pairs of 5' and 3' neighbors, as listed in the 4x4 trinucleotide context legend. The height of each block corresponds to the mutation frequency for that kind of mutation (counts of mutations normalized by the base coverage in a given bin). The shape of the spectrum is a signature for dominant mutational mechanisms in different tumor types.

Figure 3.  Get High-res Image SNV Mutation rate lego plot for entire set. Each bin is normalized by base coverage for that bin. Colors represent the six SNV types on the upper right. The three-base context for each mutation is labeled in the 4x4 legend on the lower right. The fractional breakdown of SNV counts is shown in the pie chart on the upper left. If this figure is blank, not enough information was provided in the MAF to generate it.

Figure 4.  Get High-res Image SNV Mutation rate lego plots for 4 slices of mutation allele fraction (0<=AF<0.1, 0.1<=AF<0.25, 0.25<=AF<0.5, & 0.5<=AF) . The color code and three-base context legends are the same as the previous figure. If this figure is blank, not enough information was provided in the MAF to generate it.

CoMut Plot

Figure 5.  Get High-res Image The matrix in the center of the figure represents individual mutations in patient samples, color-coded by type of mutation, for the significantly mutated genes. The rate of synonymous and non-synonymous mutations is displayed at the top of the matrix. The barplot on the left of the matrix shows the number of mutations in each gene. The percentages represent the fraction of tumors with at least one mutation in the specified gene. The barplot to the right of the matrix displays the q-values for the most significantly mutated genes. The purple boxplots below the matrix (only displayed if required columns are present in the provided MAF) represent the distributions of allelic fractions observed in each sample. The plot at the bottom represents the base substitution distribution of individual samples, using the same categories that were used to calculate significance.

Significantly Mutated Genes

Column Descriptions:

  • N = number of sequenced bases in this gene across the individual set

  • n = number of (nonsilent) mutations in this gene across the individual set

  • npat = number of patients (individuals) with at least one nonsilent mutation

  • nsite = number of unique sites having a non-silent mutation

  • nsil = number of silent mutations in this gene across the individual set

  • n1 = number of nonsilent mutations of type: *CpG->T

  • n2 = number of nonsilent mutations of type: *Cp(A/C/T)->T

  • n3 = number of nonsilent mutations of type: A->G

  • n4 = number of nonsilent mutations of type: transver

  • n5 = number of nonsilent mutations of type: indel+null

  • n6 = number of nonsilent mutations of type: double_null

  • p_cons = p-value for enrichment of mutations at evolutionarily most-conserved sites in gene

  • p_joint = p-value for clustering + conservation

  • p = p-value (overall)

  • q = q-value, False Discovery Rate (Benjamini-Hochberg procedure)

Table 3.  Get Full Table A Ranked List of Significantly Mutated Genes. Number of significant genes found: 10. Number of genes displayed: 35. Click on a gene name to display its stick figure depicting the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the chosen gene (this feature may not be available for all significant genes).

rank gene description N n npat nsite nsil n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 p_clust p_cons p_joint p_cv p q
1 EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian) 1131442 92 74 44 7 10 44 2 32 4 0 0 0 0 3.4e-15 0 0
2 PIK3R1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) 668244 33 32 27 0 0 3 4 7 19 0 3.6e-06 0.085 4.8e-06 8.1e-15 0 0
3 BRAF v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 631073 6 6 2 1 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0.08 0 0.042 0 0
4 IDH1 isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+), soluble 361231 14 14 2 0 13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.83 0 1e-06 0 0
5 TP53 tumor protein p53 358092 96 79 59 1 29 15 11 23 18 0 0 0 0 6.7e-16 0 0
6 PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog (mutated in multiple advanced cancers 1) 337830 90 87 73 0 5 20 10 13 42 0 0.0045 0.39 0.014 3e-15 1.7e-15 5e-12
7 PIK3CA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide 924699 33 30 28 0 5 8 7 6 7 0 0.012 0.17 0.014 8.7e-15 4.6e-15 1.2e-11
8 RB1 retinoblastoma 1 (including osteosarcoma) 752003 24 24 22 1 0 0 0 1 22 1 0.057 0.041 0.031 1.5e-14 1.7e-14 3.8e-11
9 NF1 neurofibromin 1 (neurofibromatosis, von Recklinghausen disease, Watson disease) 2457594 30 29 30 1 0 2 1 1 21 5 0.16 0.95 0.26 4.1e-08 2e-07 0.00041
10 STAG2 stromal antigen 2 1110411 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 2 10 0 0.29 0.59 0.45 3.4e-07 2.6e-06 0.0047
11 WNT2 wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 2 311956 5 5 5 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0.003 0.03 0.00066 0.012 0.0001 0.17
12 TPTE2 transmembrane phosphoinositide 3-phosphatase and tensin homolog 2 464692 8 8 6 0 2 1 0 2 3 0 0.028 0.021 0.02 0.00053 0.00013 0.19
13 GABRA6 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, alpha 6 395438 11 11 10 1 4 2 1 4 0 0 0.73 0.34 0.76 0.000017 0.00016 0.22
14 QKI quaking homolog, KH domain RNA binding (mouse) 327911 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0.4 0.0052 0.028 0.0016 0.00049 0.63
15 RPL5 ribosomal protein L5 261806 7 7 7 0 0 1 1 0 5 0 0.44 0.072 0.19 0.00073 0.0014 1
16 CDKN2C cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2C (p18, inhibits CDK4) 145441 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0.17 0.94 0.42 0.00035 0.0014 1
17 OR5AR1 olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily AR, member 1 264117 7 7 7 0 3 0 2 2 0 0 0.38 0.077 0.18 0.00086 0.0015 1
18 ZPBP zona pellucida binding protein 282197 5 5 4 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 0.0081 0.37 0.019 0.012 0.002 1
19 TMEM147 transmembrane protein 147 198835 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0.014 0.013 0.0017 0.15 0.0024 1
20 LZTR1 leucine-zipper-like transcription regulator 1 647961 10 10 10 0 4 0 1 4 1 0 0.29 0.18 0.24 0.0012 0.0027 1
21 LRRC55 leucine rich repeat containing 55 292293 6 6 6 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 0.1 0.61 0.21 0.0015 0.0028 1
22 POTEF POTE ankyrin domain family, member F 720525 5 5 5 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0.0024 1 0.0033 0.096 0.0029 1
23 ZNF697 zinc finger protein 697 167111 3 3 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0.18 0.04 0.048 0.0077 0.0033 1
24 UGT2A3 UDP glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide A3 450901 6 6 6 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 0.22 0.013 0.041 0.0093 0.0034 1
25 OR5P2 olfactory receptor, family 5, subfamily P, member 2 274349 4 4 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0.058 0.61 0.098 0.0056 0.0047 1
26 MST1 macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like) 625845 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.24 0.0013 0.0023 0.3 0.0058 1
27 RLTPR RGD motif, leucine rich repeats, tropomodulin domain and proline-rich containing 990742 5 5 5 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 0.051 0.032 0.021 0.038 0.0065 1
28 OR11H12 olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12 263014 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0.0091 0.45 0.026 0.031 0.0065 1
29 PDGFRB platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide 937673 3 3 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0.0035 0.0072 0.001 0.88 0.0071 1
30 C1orf150 chromosome 1 open reading frame 150 120634 3 3 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0.0059 0.44 0.022 0.044 0.0076 1
31 MCM6 minichromosome maintenance complex component 6 715692 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0.0033 0.37 0.0066 0.19 0.0097 1
32 GABRB2 gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, beta 2 440058 6 6 6 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 0.068 0.97 0.074 0.018 0.01 1
33 TSHZ2 teashirt zinc finger homeobox 2 868514 7 7 5 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0.0054 0.069 0.0045 0.3 0.01 1
34 ODF4 outer dense fiber of sperm tails 4 221938 3 3 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.0085 0.33 0.046 0.031 0.011 1
35 PARD6B par-6 partitioning defective 6 homolog beta (C. elegans) 300250 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.0093 0.061 0.0063 0.24 0.012 1

Figure S1.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the EGFR significant gene.


Figure S2.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the PIK3R1 significant gene.


Figure S3.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the BRAF significant gene.


Figure S4.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the IDH1 significant gene.


Figure S5.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the TP53 significant gene.


Figure S6.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the PTEN significant gene.


Figure S7.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the PIK3CA significant gene.


Figure S8.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the RB1 significant gene.


Figure S9.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the NF1 significant gene.


Figure S10.  This figure depicts the distribution of mutations and mutation types across the STAG2 significant gene.

COSMIC analyses

In this analysis, COSMIC is used as a filter to increase power by restricting the territory of each gene. Cosmic version: v48.

Table 4.  Get Full Table Significantly mutated genes (COSMIC territory only). To access the database please go to: COSMIC. Number of significant genes found: 71. Number of genes displayed: 10

rank gene description n cos n_cos N_cos cos_ev p q
1 TP53 tumor protein p53 96 356 92 100748 26305 0 0
2 PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog (mutated in multiple advanced cancers 1) 90 767 88 217061 3057 0 0
3 IDH1 isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+), soluble 14 5 14 1415 20888 3.8e-14 5.7e-11
4 PIK3R1 phosphoinositide-3-kinase, regulatory subunit 1 (alpha) 33 33 13 9339 25 2.5e-13 2.8e-10
5 PIK3CA phosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide 33 220 25 62260 5654 1.5e-12 1.1e-09
6 RB1 retinoblastoma 1 (including osteosarcoma) 24 267 15 75561 41 1.8e-12 1.1e-09
7 NF1 neurofibromin 1 (neurofibromatosis, von Recklinghausen disease, Watson disease) 30 285 11 80655 23 1.9e-12 1.1e-09
8 EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian) 92 293 70 82919 1144 1.9e-12 1.1e-09
9 BRAF v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 6 89 6 25187 71896 1.2e-11 6e-09
10 ADAM29 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 29 9 5 3 1415 3 2.7e-09 1.2e-06


n - number of (nonsilent) mutations in this gene across the individual set.

cos = number of unique mutated sites in this gene in COSMIC

n_cos = overlap between n and cos.

N_cos = number of individuals times cos.

cos_ev = total evidence: number of reports in COSMIC for mutations seen in this gene.

p = p-value for seeing the observed amount of overlap in this gene)

q = q-value, False Discovery Rate (Benjamini-Hochberg procedure)

Geneset Analyses

Table 5.  Get Full Table A Ranked List of Significantly Mutated Genesets. (Source: MSigDB GSEA Cannonical Pathway Set).Number of significant genesets found: 120. Number of genesets displayed: 10

rank geneset description genes N_genes mut_tally N n npat nsite nsil n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 p_ns_s p q
1 SIG_INSULIN_RECEPTOR_PATHWAY_IN_CARDIAC_MYOCYTES Genes related to the insulin receptor pathway AKT1, AKT2, AKT3, BRD4, CAP1, CBL, CDC42, CDKN2A, F2RL2, FLOT1, FLOT2, FOXO1A, GRB2, GSK3A, GSK3B, IGFBP1, INPPL1, IRS1, IRS2, IRS4, LNPEP, MAPK1, MAPK3, PARD3, PARD6A, PDK1, PIK3CA, PIK3CD, PIK3R1, PPYR1, PSCD3, PTEN, PTPN1, RAF1, RPS6KA1, RPS6KA2, RPS6KA3, RPS6KB1, SERPINB6, SFN, SHC1, SLC2A4, SORBS1, SOS1, SOS2, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAG, YWHAH, YWHAQ, YWHAZ 49 AKT1(1), CBL(1), CDKN2A(2), FLOT1(1), GSK3B(1), INPPL1(3), IRS1(4), IRS4(2), LNPEP(2), MAPK1(2), MAPK3(1), PARD3(1), PIK3CA(33), PIK3R1(33), PPYR1(1), PTEN(90), RAF1(1), RPS6KA1(1), RPS6KA2(2), RPS6KA3(1), SFN(1), SORBS1(2), SOS1(3), YWHAE(2), YWHAH(1) 25218068 192 153 164 10 15 37 27 36 77 0 4.22e-12 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
2 METPATHWAY The hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-Met stimulates proliferation and alters cell motility and adhesion on binding the ligand HGF. ACTA1, CRK, CRKL, DOCK1, ELK1, FOS, GAB1, GRB2, GRF2, HGF, HRAS, ITGA1, ITGB1, JUN, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, MAP4K1, MAPK1, MAPK3, MAPK8, MET, PAK1, PIK3CA, PIK3R1, PTEN, PTK2, PTK2B, PTPN11, PXN, RAF1, RAP1A, RAP1B, RASA1, SOS1, SRC, STAT3 35 CRKL(1), DOCK1(2), ELK1(2), FOS(1), HGF(1), ITGA1(2), ITGB1(1), MAP2K1(1), MAP4K1(2), MAPK1(2), MAPK3(1), MET(3), PAK1(1), PIK3CA(33), PIK3R1(33), PTEN(90), PTK2B(3), PTPN11(4), PXN(1), RAF1(1), SOS1(3), SRC(2), STAT3(1) 18829475 191 149 163 5 21 37 25 37 71 0 <1.00e-15 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
3 HSA00562_INOSITOL_PHOSPHATE_METABOLISM Genes involved in inositol phosphate metabolism CARKL, FN3K, IMPA1, IMPA2, INPP1, INPP4A, INPP4B, INPP5A, INPP5B, INPP5E, INPPL1, IPMK, ISYNA1, ITGB1BP3, ITPK1, ITPKA, ITPKB, MINPP1, MIOX, OCRL, PI4KA, PI4KB, PIB5PA, PIK3C3, PIK3CA, PIK3CB, PIK3CD, PIK3CG, PIP4K2A, PIP4K2B, PIP4K2C, PIP5K1A, PIP5K1B, PIP5K1C, PIP5K3, PLCB1, PLCB2, PLCB3, PLCB4, PLCD1, PLCD3, PLCD4, PLCE1, PLCG1, PLCG2, PLCZ1, PTEN, PTPMT1, SKIP, SYNJ1, SYNJ2 47 INPP1(1), INPP4B(1), INPP5A(1), INPP5B(1), INPP5E(1), INPPL1(3), ITGB1BP3(1), MIOX(1), OCRL(2), PI4KA(1), PI4KB(2), PIK3CA(33), PIK3CB(4), PIK3CG(7), PIP4K2C(3), PIP5K1B(2), PIP5K1C(1), PLCB1(1), PLCB2(3), PLCB4(1), PLCD1(3), PLCE1(2), PLCG1(6), PLCG2(3), PLCZ1(1), PTEN(90), SYNJ2(3) 31664122 178 142 156 19 29 35 22 35 57 0 3.22e-08 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
4 SIG_PIP3_SIGNALING_IN_B_LYMPHOCYTES Genes related to PIP3 signaling in B lymphocytes AKT1, AKT2, AKT3, BCR, BTK, CD19, CDKN2A, DAPP1, FLOT1, FLOT2, FOXO3A, GAB1, ITPR1, ITPR2, ITPR3, LYN, NR0B2, P101-PI3K, PDK1, PHF11, PIK3CA, PITX2, PLCG2, PPP1R13B, PREX1, PSCD3, PTEN, PTPRC, RPS6KA1, RPS6KA2, RPS6KA3, RPS6KB1, SAG, SYK, TEC, VAV1 33 AKT1(1), BTK(1), CD19(1), CDKN2A(2), FLOT1(1), ITPR1(5), ITPR2(3), ITPR3(5), LYN(2), NR0B2(1), PIK3CA(33), PITX2(3), PLCG2(3), PREX1(5), PTEN(90), PTPRC(2), RPS6KA1(1), RPS6KA2(2), RPS6KA3(1), TEC(1), VAV1(4) 23616977 167 138 145 16 26 40 21 23 57 0 1.82e-09 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
5 PTENPATHWAY PTEN suppresses AKT-induced cell proliferation and antagonizes the action of PI3K. AKT1, BCAR1, CDKN1B, FOXO3A, GRB2, ILK, ITGB1, MAPK1, MAPK3, PDK2, PDPK1, PIK3CA, PIK3R1, PTEN, PTK2, SHC1, SOS1, TNFSF6 16 AKT1(1), CDKN1B(1), ITGB1(1), MAPK1(2), MAPK3(1), PIK3CA(33), PIK3R1(33), PTEN(90), SOS1(3) 8230675 165 137 137 0 11 33 24 29 68 0 <1.00e-15 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
6 SA_PTEN_PATHWAY PTEN is a tumor suppressor that dephosphorylates the lipid messenger phosphatidylinositol triphosphate. AKT1, AKT2, AKT3, BPNT1, GRB2, ILK, MAPK1, MAPK3, PDK1, PIK3CA, PIK3CD, PIP3-E, PTEN, PTK2B, RBL2, SHC1, SOS1 16 AKT1(1), MAPK1(2), MAPK3(1), PIK3CA(33), PTEN(90), PTK2B(3), SOS1(3) 8656996 133 118 111 3 13 30 19 21 50 0 2.03e-12 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
7 TIDPATHWAY On ligand binding, interferon gamma receptors stimulate JAK2 kinase to phosphorylate STAT transcription factors, which promote expression of interferon responsive genes. DNAJA3, HSPA1A, IFNG, IFNGR1, IFNGR2, IKBKB, JAK2, LIN7A, NFKB1, NFKBIA, RB1, RELA, TIP-1, TNF, TNFRSF1A, TNFRSF1B, TP53, USH1C, WT1 18 IFNG(2), IFNGR1(1), IFNGR2(3), IKBKB(1), JAK2(1), NFKB1(1), NFKBIA(1), RB1(24), TNFRSF1A(1), TNFRSF1B(1), TP53(96), USH1C(1), WT1(2) 7833614 135 98 96 3 31 16 15 30 42 1 3.30e-14 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
8 ATMPATHWAY The tumor-suppressing protein kinase ATM responds to radiation-induced DNA damage by blocking cell-cycle progression and activating DNA repair. ABL1, ATM, BRCA1, CDKN1A, CHEK1, CHEK2, GADD45A, JUN, MAPK8, MDM2, MRE11A, NBS1, NFKB1, NFKBIA, RAD50, RAD51, RBBP8, RELA, TP53, TP73 19 ABL1(2), ATM(4), BRCA1(4), CDKN1A(1), CHEK1(3), MDM2(2), MRE11A(1), NFKB1(1), NFKBIA(1), RAD50(1), RBBP8(1), TP53(96) 12680905 117 95 80 6 36 17 14 28 22 0 5.63e-09 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
9 PDGFPATHWAY Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor is phosphorylated on ligand binding and promotes cell proliferation. CSNK2A1, ELK1, FOS, GRB2, HRAS, JAK1, JUN, MAP2K1, MAP2K4, MAP3K1, MAPK3, MAPK8, PDGFA, PDGFRA, PIK3CA, PIK3R1, PLCG1, PRKCA, PRKCB1, RAF1, RASA1, SHC1, SOS1, SRF, STAT1, STAT3, STAT5A 26 ELK1(2), FOS(1), JAK1(2), MAP2K1(1), MAP3K1(6), MAPK3(1), PDGFRA(13), PIK3CA(33), PIK3R1(33), PLCG1(6), PRKCA(1), RAF1(1), SOS1(3), SRF(1), STAT1(2), STAT3(1) 14833818 107 91 93 6 10 24 17 24 32 0 3.22e-07 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
10 CBLPATHWAY Activated EGF receptors undergo endocytosis into clathrin-coated vesicles, where they are recycled to the membrane or ubiquitinated by Cbl. CBL, CSF1R, EGF, EGFR, GRB2, MET, PDGFRA, PRKCA, PRKCB1, SH3GLB1, SH3GLB2, SH3KBP1, SRC 12 CBL(1), CSF1R(1), EGF(3), EGFR(92), MET(3), PDGFRA(13), PRKCA(1), SRC(2) 8244530 116 88 67 12 12 50 5 42 7 0 4.08e-07 <1.00e-15 <3.08e-14
Methods & Data

In brief, we tabulate the number of mutations and the number of covered bases for each gene. The counts are broken down by mutation context category: four context categories that are discovered by MutSig, and one for indel and 'null' mutations, which include indels, nonsense mutations, splice-site mutations, and non-stop (read-through) mutations. For each gene, we calculate the probability of seeing the observed constellation of mutations, i.e. the product P1 x P2 x ... x Pm, or a more extreme one, given the background mutation rates calculated across the dataset. [1]

Download Results

In addition to the links below, the full results of the analysis summarized in this report can also be downloaded programmatically using firehose_get, or interactively from either the Broad GDAC website or TCGA Data Coordination Center Portal.

[1] TCGA, Integrated genomic analyses of ovarian carcinoma, Nature 474:609 - 615 (2011)