Clinical feature Statistical test Significant genes Associated with                 Associated with AGE Spearman correlation test N=1 older N=1 younger N=0 PATHOLOGY T STAGE Spearman correlation test N=4 higher stage N=4 lower stage N=0 PATHOLOGY N STAGE t test N=0 COMPLETENESS OF RESECTION ANOVA test N=0 NUMBER OF LYMPH NODES Spearman correlation test N=0 GLEASON_SCORE_COMBINED Spearman correlation test N=1 higher score N=1 lower score N=0 GLEASON_SCORE_PRIMARY Spearman correlation test N=4 higher score N=3 lower score N=1 GLEASON_SCORE_SECONDARY Spearman correlation test N=0 GLEASON_SCORE Spearman correlation test N=5 higher score N=5 lower score N=0 PSA_RESULT_PREOP Spearman correlation test N=2 higher psa_result_preop N=2 lower psa_result_preop N=0 DAYS_TO_PREOP_PSA Spearman correlation test N=21 higher days_to_preop_psa N=15 lower days_to_preop_psa N=6 PSA_VALUE Spearman correlation test N=0 DAYS_TO_PSA Spearman correlation test N=0