Clinical feature Statistical test Significant variables Associated with                 Associated with DAYS_TO_DEATH_OR_LAST_FUP Cox regression test N=0 YEARS_TO_BIRTH Spearman correlation test N=2 older N=2 younger N=0 PATHOLOGY_T_STAGE Spearman correlation test N=0 PATHOLOGY_N_STAGE Wilcoxon test N=0 PATHOLOGY_M_STAGE Wilcoxon test N=0 RADIATION_THERAPY Wilcoxon test N=0 HISTOLOGICAL_TYPE Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 NUMBER_PACK_YEARS_SMOKED Spearman correlation test N=1 higher number_pack_years_smoked N=1 lower number_pack_years_smoked N=0 NUMBER_OF_LYMPH_NODES Spearman correlation test N=0 RACE Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 ETHNICITY Wilcoxon test N=0 WEIGHT_KG_AT_DIAGNOSIS Spearman correlation test N=0 TUMOR_STATUS Wilcoxon test N=0 NEOPLASM_HISTOLOGIC_GRADE Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 TOBACCO_SMOKING_YEAR_STOPPED Spearman correlation test N=0 TOBACCO_SMOKING_PACK_YEARS_SMOKED Spearman correlation test N=1 higher tobacco_smoking_pack_years_smoked N=1 lower tobacco_smoking_pack_years_smoked N=0 TOBACCO_SMOKING_HISTORY Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 AGEBEGANSMOKINGINYEARS Spearman correlation test N=0 RADIATION_THERAPY_STATUS Wilcoxon test N=0 PREGNANCIES_COUNT_TOTAL Spearman correlation test N=0 PREGNANCIES_COUNT_STILLBIRTH Spearman correlation test N=0 PREGNANCY_SPONTANEOUS_ABORTION_COUNT Spearman correlation test N=0 PREGNANCIES_COUNT_LIVE_BIRTH Spearman correlation test N=0 PREGNANCY_THERAPEUTIC_ABORTION_COUNT Spearman correlation test N=0 PREGNANCIES_COUNT_ECTOPIC Spearman correlation test N=0 POS_LYMPH_NODE_LOCATION Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 MENOPAUSE_STATUS Kruskal-Wallis test N=2 LYMPHOVASCULAR_INVOLVEMENT Wilcoxon test N=0 LYMPH_NODES_EXAMINED_HE_COUNT Spearman correlation test N=0 LYMPH_NODES_EXAMINED Spearman correlation test N=0 KERATINIZATION_SQUAMOUS_CELL Wilcoxon test N=0 INITIAL_PATHOLOGIC_DX_YEAR Spearman correlation test N=3 higher initial_pathologic_dx_year N=0 lower initial_pathologic_dx_year N=3 HISTORY_HORMONAL_CONTRACEPTIVES_USE Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 HEIGHT_CM_AT_DIAGNOSIS Spearman correlation test N=0 CORPUS_INVOLVEMENT Wilcoxon test N=0 CHEMO_CONCURRENT_TYPE Kruskal-Wallis test N=0 CERVIX_SUV_RESULTS Spearman correlation test N=0 AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS Spearman correlation test N=2 higher age_at_diagnosis N=2 lower age_at_diagnosis N=0 CLINICAL_STAGE Kruskal-Wallis test N=0