Preprocessing of clinical data
Lung Adenocarcinoma (MOLECULAR_NONSMOKER)
07 February 2013  |  awg_luad__2013_02_07
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Citation Information
Maintained by TCGA GDAC Team (Broad Institute/MD Anderson Cancer Center/Harvard Medical School)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2013): Preprocessing of clinical data. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C1028PNK

The clinical information for each TCGA tumor sample is stored in a xml file. Patient ID, tumor and treatment info are entries of the xml file. These xml files have been preprocessed for further analysis.


Clinical data for tier 1 clinical variables are generated.

Table 1.  Tier1 clinical variables

Tumor.Feature Date.Statistics
gender dccuploaddate
primarysiteofdesease dateofbirth
histologicaltype dateofdeath
tumorstage dateoflastfollowup
tumorgrade dateoftumorrecurrence
patienttumorrecurrencestatus dateofinitialpathologicdiagnosis
radiationtherapy datelastknownalive
neoadjuvanttherapy vitalstatus
Tier 1 Data Statistics

Table 2.  Statistics of selected clinical variables.

Clinical.Variable Statistics
age mean: 66, std: 11
vitalstatus 57 living, 23 deceased
gender 34 male, 46 female
histologicaltype 18 lung adenocarcinoma mixed subtype, 46 lung adenocarcinoma- not otherwise specified (nos), 1 lung mucinous adenocarcinoma, 2 mucinous (colloid) adenocarcinoma, 2 lung papillary adenocarcinoma, 3 lung acinar adenocarcinoma, 3 lung bronchioloalveolar carcinoma mucinous, 4 lung bronchioloalveolar carcinoma nonmucinous, 1 lung micropapillary adenocarcinoma
tumorstage 17 stage ia, 4 stage iv, 25 stage ib, 14 stage iiia, 7 stage iia, 8 stage iib, 2 stage iiib
pathologicspread(pt) 16 t1, 34 t2, 7 t3, 11 t2a, 4 t1b, 3 t4, 3 t2b, 1 t1a
pathologicspread(pn) 49 n0, 1 nx, 15 n2, 14 n1
Tier 1 Data

Table 3.  Get Full Table Illustration of the tier 1 data for three patients

Clinical.Variable Sample_1 Sample_2 Sample_3
yearstobirth 70 56 67
daystodeath NA 244 NA
daystolastfollowup NA NA NA
vitalstatus 0 1 0
dccuploaddate 31-8-2012 31-8-2012 31-8-2012
Methods & Data
Work Flow

1. Each xml file is converted to a tab-delimited text file by our R package.

2. All text files are aggregated into one big table by the Clinical_Aggregate_Tier1 pipeline. The 1st column of the table is the entry name of the xml file and the rest columns are the associated data for samples.

3. Data for the tier 1 clinical variables are extracted by the Clinical_Picker_Tier1 pipeline.

Diagram of Clinical Data Dicer

Figure 1.  Diagram that displays the work flow of processing clinical data. Clinical variables of interest and their associated values are marked in red and blue, respectively.

Download Results

This is an experimental feature. The full results of the analysis summarized in this report can be downloaded from the TCGA Data Coordination Center.