Summary of TCGA Tumor Data
Ingested into Broad GDAC Pipeline
2013_08_08 awg_thca Run

Usage: gdac_counts [flags] <directory> | <file> ... <file>
Version: 0.5.5
Parse Broad GDAC samplestamp files to summarize the data contained
within, by counting per tumor which data types have how many sample
Specify either a directory (or tree) containing multiple samplestamp
files, which represent normed data from DCC, or a list of one or more
samplestamp files.
-cohort <string> show counts/samples for the single named disease cohort
-html generate HTML version of counts table
-list display the samples, instead of counting, per datatype
(also displays Firehose platform annotations for each)
-png generate png version of counts table
-prefix <string> prefix to use for HTML and PNG files (default: gdac_counts)
-totals output a row showing the totals for each column
-what display what is being counted, and how
% gdac_counts `gdac_data -s`
Show counts for the samplestamps of the latest dicing
% gdac_counts -list -cohort STAD `gdac_data -s`
Display list of sample aliquots, again in latest dicing, but only STAD
% cd /xchip/gdac_data/normalized/loadfiles/prod/prod__2011_07_28
% gdac_counts .