library(gplots) library(RColorBrewer) ### this function is used to calcuate the fisher exact test within a matrix source("./script/fisher.exact.test.combined.R") ### this function is used to generate the heatmap figures source("./script/heatmap.3.modified.R") #### this function is used to read the feature table and obtain the copy number and mutation info and then do preprocess the matrix, #####calculate the fisher exact test and then draw the covarance figure #### function to pull out mutation data from the feature table and plot the co-occuring figure of somatic muation genes createmutationfigure <- function(feature.file,tumor){ ## read the feature file feature.table.original <- read.table(feature.file,header=T,comment='',sep='\t',,na.strings='NA',stringsAsFactors=F,check.names=F) ## create the feature table only with samples and features sample.index <- nchar(feature.table.original[,1]) == 12 feature.table <- feature.table.original[sample.index,] <- feature.table[,1] rownames(feature.table) <- ##### preprocess for mutation data genematrix <- feature.table[,grep("SMG_mutsig",colnames(feature.table))] genematrix <- genematrix[,colSums(genematrix,na.rm=T) != 0] colnames(genematrix) <- as.character(sapply(colnames(genematrix),function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]][3])) genematrix <- genematrix[,!duplicated(colnames(genematrix))] genematrix <- t(genematrix) ########### remove samples with all NA values index1 <- colSums( != nrow(genematrix) mutation <- data.frame(genematrix,check.names=F) mutation <- mutation[,index1] ########### create the event matrix 1:mutation, 0: wild type for cooccurrence figure event.mutation <- apply(mutation,1:2,function(x) ifelse(x > 1,1,0)) #+++++++ calculate correlation based on event matrix +++++++++++ cut.sample <- 0.01 cut.heatmap.default <- 4 ## fisher exact test is used to calculate the association withon two pair of mutations: the pvalue with exclusiveness and cocurrence will be returned. fisher <- fisher.simple.test(t(event.mutation)) maxp <- max(-log10(unlist(fisher))) cut.heatmap <- ifelse(maxp >= cut.heatmap.default,cut.heatmap.default,round(maxp)) ##### draw exclusiveness and cocurrence figure on mutaion data########### png(file=paste(tumor,'fisher.mutation.correlation.png',sep="."),width=1000,height=1000)[[1]],fisher[[2]],colnames(fisher[[1]]),cut.heatmap,"Correlations in Somatic Mutations",F,F,50) return(event.mutation) } #createmutationfigure(feature.file="./CESC-TP.samplefeatures.txt",tumor="CESC-TP")