Dear TCGA Colleagues, The September 2012 Firehose analysis run has been uploaded and will be available in the protected data tree pending internal mirroring by the DCC. This analysis run was based upon version 2012_09_13 of the Firehose stddata package, and is described in more detail on our site at The highlights of this run are given below and in the dashboard release notes. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to send them to our mailing list. Regards, Michael S. Noble Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sample Changes: BCR +71 (6952 total) Clinical +8 (5679 total) CN +4 (5814 total) Methylation +118 (5589 total) miRseq +684 (4793 total) mRNAseq +36 (3563 total) RPPA +442 (3173 total) * Updated Pipelines: Aggregate_Clusters & Correlate_Clinical_vs_Molecular_Signatures: Now incorporate copy number cNMF and RPPA clustering results, too Mutation_Assessor: Now handles headers as per the MAF Spec Methylation: Major optimizations to improve clustering & expression correlation MutSig : Changed from GenePattern pipeline to Firehose workflow, yielding: . more transparency & job-avoidance on intermediate processing steps . changed output archive names, from gdac*Mutation_Significance* to: MutSigPreprocess2.0, ProcessCoverageForMutSig2.0, MutSigRun2.0, MutSigNozzleReport2.0, MutSigNozzleReportS2N Current implementation of v2.0 is not computing a clustered mutations result--this will be fixed in next October 2012 analysis run. . New version of MutSig (S2N) added to our analysis run: see dashboard for more details. Correlate_Clinical_vs_Methylation: Given that it executes on one meth probe per gene, chosen by negative correlation with expression data (mRNA/mRNAseq), this pipeline is currently not run when insufficient expression data exist; in the future, in such cases it will instead be it will be run on mean probe values per gene. * firehose_get v0.3.7: reflect addition of PANCAN8 disease cohort, and resumption of COAD and READ cohorts (on top of existing COADREAD aggregate)