Dear TCGA Colleagues, Version 2012_08_04 of the Firehose stddata package has been released and will be available in the protected data tree pending internal mirroring by the DCC. Highlights of this run are given below, and in our dashboard release notes at If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to send them to our mailing list. Regards, Michael S. Noble Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Count Changes: BCR +35 (6881 total) Clinical +7 (5640 total) CN +101 (5487 total) Methylation -1 (5464 total) miR -1 (1054 total) miRseq +113 (4089 total) mRNA -1 (2217 total) mRNAseq +38 (3498 total) RPPA +237 (2324 total) The -1's in this table were caused by the removal of several samples for two OV patients, due to an unintended clash between improved aliquot selection (as described in our FAQ) and a legacy internal blacklist from the TCGA pilot. The legacy blacklist has now been deprecated, in favor of relying solely on the transparency of redactions recorded in the DCC annotations database, and the samples will be present in future releases. The OV samples in question are: TCGA-29-1704: CN TCGA-23-1023: mRNA miR Methylation