Glioblastoma Multiforme: HotNet pathway analysis of mutation and copy number data
(primary solid tumor cohort)
Maintained by Hailei Zhang (Broad Institute)
- Overview
+ Introduction
- Summary

There were 21 significant subnetworks identified in HotNet analysis.

- Results
- Significant subnetworks

HotNet identifies 21 altered subnetworks based on the matched somatic mutation and copy number alterations data. Table 1 showes the top 10 significant subnetworks.

Table 1.  Get Full Table Top 10 out of 21 subnetworks in ranked by p value. The last column of RepeatTimes shows how many times the subnetwork was picked up in differenct delta values.

Network No.ofgenes p-value RepeatTimes
IFNG(2),PDIA3(37),ERP27(38) 3 0.0000 3
LAMA2(100),UTRN(99),DAG1(2) 3 0.0005 2
SGCD(1),FLNC(242),MYOZ3(1) 3 0.0005 2
CCNG1(2),CDKN2A(255),PSMC3(1),ZNF410(1),CDKN2C(238) 5 0.0055 2
AVPR1A(1),HRH2(2),CHRM2(241) 3 0.0000 1
AZI2(1),IRAK3(3),IRF5(241) 3 0.0000 1
EPHA3(2),EPHB6(241),EPHA1(242) 3 0.0000 1
RNF130(3),FGF18(1),FGFR3(29) 3 0.0000 1
SMO(241),SHH(241),DLK1(1) 3 0.0000 1
TNIP1(1),NVL(1),RPL5(18) 3 0.0000 1
+ Methods & Data