Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma: HotNet pathway analysis of mutation and copy number data
(primary solid tumor cohort)
Maintained by Hailei Zhang (Broad Institute)
- Overview
+ Introduction
- Summary

There were 30 significant subnetworks identified in HotNet analysis.

- Results
- Significant subnetworks

HotNet identifies 30 altered subnetworks based on the matched somatic mutation and copy number alterations data. Table 1 showes the top 10 significant subnetworks.

Table 1.  Get Full Table Top 10 out of 30 subnetworks in ranked by p value. The last column of RepeatTimes shows how many times the subnetwork was picked up in differenct delta values.

Network No.ofgenes p-value RepeatTimes
ARID1B(156),SMARCA2(166),PRPF6(216) 3 0.0015 3
GPR77(57),C5AR1(58),WAS(97) 3 0.0015 3
MAP2K4(1),MAP3K4(156),DIXDC1(1) 3 0.0015 3
MTTP(100),APOB(11),PDIA4(155) 3 0.0015 3
PGM5(1),SNTG2(1),DMD(164) 3 0.0015 3
TRIP13(176),LOXL4(3),SEMA4G(1) 3 0.0015 3
PDCD11(2),NFRKB(2),NFKB1(100) 3 0.0015 2
CACNA1C(169),RYR2(181),ALB(58),CRYAA(1) 4 0.0170 2
GRIN2D(59),PPP2R2A(89),INA(1),NF1(147) 4 0.0170 2
CASP7(1),KCNJ1(3),GOLGA3(179),CASP2(154) 4 0.0200 2
+ Methods & Data