Mutation Analysis (MutSig v2.0 and MutSigCV v0.9 merged result)
Uterine Corpus Endometrioid Carcinoma (Primary solid tumor)
23 May 2013  |  analyses__2013_05_23
Maintainer Information
Citation Information
Maintained by Dan DiCara (Broad Institute)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2013): Mutation Analysis (MutSig v2.0 and MutSigCV v0.9 merged result). Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C1GH9G17
- Overview
+ Introduction
- Summary
  • MAF used for this analysis:UCEC-TP.final_analysis_set.maf

  • Significantly mutated genes (q ≤ 0.1): 29

  • Mutations seen in COSMIC: 1001

  • Significantly mutated genes in COSMIC territory: 46

  • Significantly mutated genesets: 68

Mutation Preprocessing
  • Read 248 MAFs of type "WashU"

  • Total number of mutations in input MAFs: 184861

  • After removing 118 mutations outside chr1-24: 184743

  • After removing 211 blacklisted mutations: 184532

  • After removing 1932 noncoding mutations: 182600

  • After collapsing adjacent/redundant mutations: 182598

Mutation Filtering
  • Number of mutations before filtering: 182598

  • After removing 15927 mutations outside gene set: 166671

  • After removing 1023 mutations outside category set: 165648

  • After removing 27 "impossible" mutations in

  • gene-patient-category bins of zero coverage: 148671

- Results
+ Breakdown of Mutations by Type
+ Breakdown of Mutation Rates by Category Type
+ Target Coverage for Each Individual
+ Distribution of Mutation Counts, Coverage, and Mutation Rates Across Samples
+ CoMut Plot
+ Significantly Mutated Genes
+ COSMIC analyses
+ Geneset Analyses
+ Methods & Data