Clustering of RPPA data: consensus NMF
Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Primary solid tumor)
14 July 2016
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Maintained by TCGA GDAC Team
(Broad Institute/MD Anderson Cancer Center/Harvard Medical School)
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Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center
Clustering of RPPA data: consensus NMF.
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
Note: The original LIHC RPPA data used on 2016_01_28 was reported to be mislabelled Mesothelioma RPPA data. The affected analyses were patched on 10/13/2016, and contain this notice. For more details see our analysis release notes.
The most robust consensus NMF clustering of 184 samples using the 219 most variable proteins was identified for k = 6 clusters. We computed the clustering for k = 2 to k = 10 and uused the cophenetic correlation coefficient and the average silhouette width calculation to determine the robust clusters.
Protein expression patterns of molecular subtypes
Silhouette widths, Cophenetic Correlation Coefficients and Consensus matrix
Samples assignment with silhouette width
Marker proteins of each subtype
Methods & Data
Copyright © 2016
Broad Institute TCGA GDAC as part of the TCGA Research Network.
All rights reserved.