Dear Doug and Elaine, We met back at the UCEC mini-jamboree during the Nov 2011 F2F, and I wanted to follow up by offering a sneak-peek at the latest Firehose run for your full jamboree next week. As the attached image shows, my preliminary check suggests this run has nearly a 96% sample concordance with the current UCEC freeze list (as of 3/26). This indicates that our Firehose results may provide a good additional reference to your jamboree analysis, especially as free "low hanging fruit". I've made the sneak-peek of our March Firehose analyses for UCEC available at so that your team will be able to easily peruse all of the UCEC analyses, directly from a web browser. There are 11 reports in all, including Gistic, MutSig, pathway (Paradigm), expression and methylation clustering, as well as a couple of integrative correlations. We're also sending Raktim Sinha, whom you may recognize from the working group calls, to help guide you through the reports should any questions arise. I hope you find this useful, and wish you a successful jamboree! Please do not hesitate to follow up with any questions or concerns you may have. Regards, Michael S. Noble