FFPE Cases
2015_06_01 Data Snapshot
FFPE description from TCGA Tissue Sample Requirements (2013)

FFPE (formalin fixed paraffin embedded) samples are not suitable for molecular analysis because the RNA and DNA are trapped in the nucleic acid-protein cross linking from the fixation process.

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Barcode UUID Date Type Category Notes
TCGA-DX-AB2L 27a6bd26-4b57-4eee-be02-6b20f5b69e1e 01/12/2015 SARC Item may not meet study protocol TSS informed the BCR that, upon pathologist review of FFPE slide prior to shipment to BCR, this case has no tumor in the TCGA specimen. It is a re-resection specimen. The BCRs pathologists reviewed the TSS frozen top slide, the 3 BCR frozen top slides, and the 25 diagnostic FFPE slides from the initial resection. The initial resection contained myxofibrosarcoma. The frozen top slides of the TCGA tumor do not show any tumor, only reactive tissue.