Association of mutation, copy number alteration, and subtype markers with pathways
Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (Primary solid tumor)
28 January 2016  |  analyses__2016_01_28
Maintainer Information
Citation Information
Maintained by Spring Yingchun Liu (Broad Institute)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2016): Association of mutation, copy number alteration, and subtype markers with pathways. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C1BK1BQZ
- Overview
+ Introduction
- Summary

There are 15 genes with significant mutation (Q value <= 0.1) and 394 genes with significant copy number alteration (Q value <= 0.25). The identified marker genes (Q value <= 0.01 or within top 2000) are 852 for subtype 1, 852 for subtype 2, 852 for subtype 3, 852 for subtype 4, 852 for subtype 5, 852 for subtype 6. Pathways significantly enriched with these genes (Q value <= 0.01) are identified :

1 pathways significantly enriched with genes with copy number alteration or mutation.

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 1

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 2

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 3

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 4

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 5

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 6

- Results
+ The top five pathways enriched with genes with copy number alteration or mutation
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 1
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 2
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 3
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 4
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 5
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 6
+ Methods & Data