Association of mutation, copy number alteration, and subtype markers with pathways
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Primary solid tumor)
28 January 2016  |  analyses__2016_01_28
Maintainer Information
Citation Information
Maintained by Spring Yingchun Liu (Broad Institute)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2016): Association of mutation, copy number alteration, and subtype markers with pathways. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C18C9VP2
- Overview
+ Introduction
- Summary

There are 16 genes with significant mutation (Q value <= 0.1) and 216 genes with significant copy number alteration (Q value <= 0.25). The identified marker genes (Q value <= 0.01 or within top 2000) are 2000 for subtype 1, 2000 for subtype 2, 2000 for subtype 3. Pathways significantly enriched with these genes (Q value <= 0.01) are identified :

10 pathways significantly enriched with genes with copy number alteration or mutation.

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 1

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 2

0 pathways significantly enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 3

- Results
+ The top five pathways enriched with genes with copy number alteration or mutation
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 1
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 2
+ The top five pathways enriched with marker genes of gene expression subtype 3
+ Methods & Data