HotNet pathway analysis of mutation and copy number data
Skin Cutaneous Melanoma (Metastatic)
23 May 2013  |  analyses__2013_05_23
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Citation Information
Maintained by Hailei Zhang (Broad Institute)
Cite as Broad Institute TCGA Genome Data Analysis Center (2013): HotNet pathway analysis of mutation and copy number data. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. doi:10.7908/C1CN720H
- Overview
+ Introduction
- Summary

There were 47 significant subnetworks identified in HotNet analysis.

- Results
- Significant subnetworks

HotNet identifies 47 altered subnetworks based on the matched somatic mutation and copy number alterations data. Table 1 showes the top 10 significant subnetworks.

Table 1.  Get Full Table Top 10 out of 47 subnetworks in ranked by p value. The last column of RepeatTimes shows how many times the subnetwork was picked up in differenct delta values.

Network No.ofgenes p-value RepeatTimes
DDX20(64),DICER1(85),PIWIL2(63),PIWIL1(64),EIF2C2(115),STXBP3(58),GEMIN5(96) 7 0.006 2
PPP2R1B(128),SLC16A1(62),SLC16A3(84),PPP2R2A(58),FGFR1OP(150),BSG(68),PPP2R5C(78) 7 0.006 2
CD200(37),CD200R1(42),HCRTR2(154),HCRT(52) 4 0.005 1
CSF1R(94),THOC5(37),INPPL1(49),CSF1(62) 4 0.005 1
DCN(62),WISP1(114),COL14A1(128),AHSG(43) 4 0.005 1
EZH1(55),BRCA2(68),C11orf30(48),ZMYND11(125) 4 0.005 1
GABRR1(153),GABRR2(150),P2RX2(54),SQSTM1(36) 4 0.005 1
GDNF(52),ST8SIA2(78),NCAM1(133),GFRA2(59) 4 0.005 1
HES1(35),HEY2(152),HAND1(90),FANCA(90) 4 0.005 1
HNRNPH1(34),TCERG1(96),SF3A1(42),SF3A2(69) 4 0.005 1
+ Methods & Data